
Top 11 Largest Ports in the US: What Freight Forwarders & Truckers Need to Know

Brian Smith
July 8, 2024
24 minutes
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Top 11 Largest Ports in the US: What Freight Forwarders & Truckers Need to Know
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Ports are the major gateways for freight, which makes it essential to understand them. In fact, systems of the major USA sea ports play a huge role in operational efficiency for domestic and international shipping. Whether you're a trucker hauling goods across the country or a freight forwarder coordinating complex logistics, knowing about the largest ports in the US can make a world of a difference. In this post, we're going to look closely at key performance metrics and valuable insights from the 11 largest ports in the United States. We'll also list out important details both freight forwarders and truckers need to know. Let's begin.


The largest ports in the US are as follows:

  • Los Angeles: Busiest port in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Long Beach: Known as POLB, for short, and the busiest export seaport.
  • New York and New Jersey: Established via interstate compact between the states, third largest port in the US.
  • Savannah: One of the oldest ports and the largest single container terminal in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Houston: Largest port for waterborne tonnage.
  • Seattle & Tacoma: Known collectively as the Northwest Seaport Alliance, one of North America's largest deep water container ports.
  • Vancouver: Furthest-inland deep water port.
  • Oakland: The port operates as a public agency for maritime, aviation, and commercial real estate.
  • Charleston: This port generates more income than average for other South Carolina jobs and is one of the busiest seaports in the southeastern US.
  • Virginia: The fifth largest port in the US with the world's largest natural deep-water harbor.
  • Jacksonville: Commonly known as JAXPORT, this is the largest port in Florida by volume, serving as a global gateway to Florida with access to rail and highway networks.

In 2022-2023, the freight volume decreased for most of the biggest ports in the United States, but that didn't stop them from doing well with total cargo volume and tonnage.

What is the Largest Port in the United States?

The largest port in the US by size is the Port of Los Angeles, located in California. It's also known as America's port and is among the busiest container ports in the US, due to its handling of the highest cargo volume annually. It's a central hub for goods entering the country where the sheer scale and activity at the port is unmatched.

The Biggest and Busiest Ports in the US

Identifying the biggest ports in the US involves several factors:

  • Cargo volume: One of the most important factors in evaluating the performance of a port. It's measured in Twenty-Foot Equivalents Units (TEUs). Ports with high cargo volumes can handle large quantities of goods. This facilitates efficient transportation and distribution.
  • Infrastructure: This includes the number of berths, cranes, and the details of the storage facilities. They play a role in the port's capacity to handle cargo. Ports with extensive and modern infrastructure are far more equipped to manage high volumes.
  • Economic impact: Ports with higher contribution to the economy are crucial for regional and global commerce. They support local jobs and drive economic growth along with international trade.

Port of Los Angeles

Known as the biggest port in the US, it's been operating since 1907. It's been the busiest port in the US and the Western Hemisphere for 24 years in a row (2000-2023). This port is located in San Pedro Bay, which is just 25 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, serving as a gateway for goods from across the globe.

This port spans over 7,500 acres of land and water along 43 miles of waterfront. It has 82 container cranes and a main channel depth of 53 feet. This port has 270 berths and 25 cargo terminals that include seven container terminals. This makes it capable enough to handle massive cargo volumes and accommodate some of the largest container ships in the world.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
Recently, the Port of Los Angeles has been a key player in sustaining local and national economies. It directly employs 168,000 individuals in Los Angeles and provides 883,000 additional jobs across a five-county region. On a national scale, it contributes to around 2.5 million jobs. Despite a 13% drop in annual growth rate compared to 2022, the port remains a powerhouse that meets the demands of global trade.

Cargo Volume (2023):

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

Here's what you need to keep in mind as a freight forwarder when dealing with the Port of Los Angeles:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:

  • The Port of Los Angeles is vital for global trade. As one of the busiest US ports, it connects major trade routes with Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Indian Subcontinent, Northern Europe, and the Mediterranean.
  • The port's trading partners include China/Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Most Common Type of Cargo:

  • Imports: Furniture, auto parts, apparel, plastics, footwear.
  • Exports: Paper/waste paper, pet/animal feed, soybeans, recycled metal, fabrics/raw cotton.

Ability to Handle Large Volumes of Containers:
This port is well known for its ability to manage large volumes of containers while offering frequent updates on cargo and vessel tracking. In April 2024, the Port of Los Angeles handled 770,337 container units (12% increase from 2023).

Impact on Global Logistics:
As one of the busiest ports in the US, they facilitate the movement of goods across the world.

The port has security measures in place including a Cybersecurity Center and the Port Police.

Port Operation and Tariff Information:
How to do Business within the Port of Los Angeles

What to Know as a Trucker

When it comes to the busiest ports in the US, there's a few things you need to know as a trucker. Truckers can always access vital information on:

Truck Turn Times:
Turn times on individual terminals.

Departure Checklist:
This is provided by the Port Authority.

Driver's guide:
This guide helps with the Port of Los Angeles container terminal gates.

As a trucker, it's also important to know that the Clean Truck Program is an initiative that's aimed at reducing emissions from truck operations. For the trucker's convenience, there's a thoughtfully designed restroom map available along with updates on chassis availability. All of these resources at the Port of Los Angeles are geared towards smooth and efficient trucking operations within the port itself.

Port of Long Beach

As the second largest port in the US, the Port of Long Beach (POLB) is crucial to the global logistics chain. The port is just 2 miles from Downtown Long Beach and 25 miles south of Downtown Los Angeles. It's a neighbor to the Port of Los Angeles and is recognized for being the busiest export seaport in the US.

The POLB's infrastructure allows it to manage diverse cargo types. It covers 3,520 acres of land and 4,600 acres of water. It features 22 cargo terminals that include 5 break bulk, 6 dry bulk, 5 liquid bulk, and 6 container terminals. The POLB also features 72 gantry cranes to ensure smooth operations.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
The port handles cargo valued at around $200 billion annually and plays a vital role in the Southern California economy. It accounts for a third of all cargo moving through California ports, as well as a fourth of the cargo moving through all West Coast ports. Despite the 9.22% drop compared to 2022, it's still among the largest ports in the US. The port supports significant employment with 51,000 jobs in Long Beach, as well as an additional 576,000 jobs in the Southern California region. Nationally, the port's trade activities contribute to over 2.6 million jobs.

Cargo Volume (2023)

  • Total Cargo Volume (TEUs): 8,018,668
  • Total Tonnage: 175,518,642 metric tons.
  • Berth and Terminal Capacity: 80 berths across 22 cargo terminals.

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

Here's what you need to know about cargo ports when it comes to the POLB:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:
Major trade routes include connections with Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Northern Europe, and the Mediterranean. Key trading partners are China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan.

Most common type of cargo

  • Imports: Electronics, furniture, auto parts, apparel, and plastics.
  • Exports: Machinery, vehicle parts, recycled metal, and waste paper.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
The POLB can manage high cargo volumes, ensuring efficient loading, unloading, and tracking. The port handles around 29% of all containerized waterborne trade in the US.

Impact on global logistics:
The port's location makes it a pivotal point in global trade, connecting US and major international markets.

POLB has cybersecurity initiatives and a dedicated Port Police force to ensure the safety and security of cargo.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

What to Know as a Trucker

As a trucker dealing with the busiest ports in the US, here's what you need to know about POLB:

Truck Turn Times: You can find information on truck turn times at WCMTOA. More additional resources include:

Port of New York and New Jersey

The Port of New York and New Jersey is the largest port on the East coast. It's also the third largest port in the US. It was established April 30, 1921 via an interstate compact between the states of New York and New Jersey.

Within the Port of New York and New Jersey, airports are found that create the largest airport system within the US. As the biggest port on the East coast, it's also the first in the world of total flight operations, such as with JFK air freight cargo operations. There's  terminals for all types of cargo and a total of 4 container terminals in the port. They include the Howland Hook Marine Terminal, Port Jersey Marine Terminal, Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal, and the Red Hook Marine Terminal. These terminals, along with public berths, allow the port to handle cargo efficiently.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
The port has contributed to $15.7 billion in revenue, as of 2022. Personal income for 2022 accumulated to $47.2billion, and business income came in at $135.3 billion. The port has also supported 563,700 jobs. These include direct jobs with trucking companies, warehousing, port operations and banking. Despite a -17.7% drop in cargo volume compared to 2022, its economic contributions remain integral to regional and national trade networks.

Cargo Volume (2023):
Total Cargo Volume (TEUs): 7,810,005
2023 Total Tonnage: about 98,910,000 tons.

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

As a freight forwarder dealing with the largest US ports, here's what you need to keep in mind about the Port of New York and New Jersey:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:

  • Across the Atlantic Ocean, connecting North America with Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean. As well as through the Panama Canal, linking with ports in the Gulf of Mexico and the West Coast of the United States.
  • Key trading partners are Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, China, India, Japan, and other nations in the Middle East and Latin America.

Most common types of cargo:

  • Consumer goods, electronics, machinery, textiles.
  • Bulk cargo including petroleum products, chemicals, raw materials.
  • Breakbulk cargo and vehicles.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
Can efficiently handle large volumes of containers. In 2023, the Port of NY and NJ was the second busiest port for the US with loaded containers. In 2024, the volume at the port increased by 3.4%.

Impact on global logistics:
The port's connectivity to major trade routes significantly influences global logistics.

The port has comprehensive measures in place along with Port Security to protect cargo and ensure safe operations.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

What to Know as a Trucker

As a trucker dealing with cargo ports, here's some things that can help you when working at the Port of New York and New Jersey:

Port of Savannah

As one of the largest ports in the US, the Port of Savannah is one filled with history. The first steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean, the SS Savannah sailed from Savannah Harbor in May of 1919. From 1941-1945, the Savannah port played a huge role in World War 2. It's one of the oldest ports that has shaped the nation's early economy and trade routes. The Port of Savannah was established in 1733. It's located in the state of Georgia on the East coast. It's known as the largest single container terminal in the Western hemisphere.

The Port of Savannah has a strong infrastructure with 36 berths and four container terminals. It handles large volumes of diverse cargo, including machinery, electronics, food, and automotive. The port is designed to support high throughput. It plays a major role as a hub for exports and imports. You can find out more information here.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
The Port of Savannah contributes over 561,000 jobs throughout the state and $33 billion in income. For Georgia's economy, there's $140 billion in sales and $3.8 billion in state and local taxes. Despite a slight decline in annual growth rate by 10.7% compared to 2022, the port continues to drive job creation and economic activity.

Cargo Volume (2023):

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

When dealing with major US ports, here's what you need to keep in mind as a freight forwarder working with the Port of Savannah:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:
Major trade routes include Northeast Asia, North Europe, Southeast Asia, Mediterranean, and Southern Asia. Key trading partners are countries in Asia, India, and the Midwest.

Most common type of cargo:

  • Imports: Machinery, appliances, electronics, consumer goods, furniture, automotive.
  • Exports: Food, wood pulp, automotive, paper & paperboard, fabrics.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
Very capable of handling large volumes. The Georgia Ports Authority states that the $220 million development increased Savannah container volumes up more than 14% as of February 2024.

Impact on global logistics:
Strong connections to major trade routes, enhancing its significance.

Safety measures are in place and include the US Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection to prevent security breaches. The Savannah River has a safe zone that applies to cargo ships carrying military equipment, and they also enforce a Facility Security Plan.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

Shipping Goods & Tracking:

What to Know as a Trucker

When you're dealing with the largest US ports like the Port of Savannah, truckers should keep these things in mind:

  • Resource Database: Detailed resources for truckers, including driving directions, safety rules, credentialing, gate hours, and port police contact can be accessed here.
  • Immediate Access: Direct access to I-16 (East/West) and I-95 (North/South) facilitates quick transit to destinations throughout the U.S. Southeast and Midwest within a one- to two-day drive.

Port of Houston

As one of the largest ports in the US, the Port of Houston was founded in November 1914. It's located within the Houston Ship Channel complex in Texas. It's known as the largest port for waterborne tonnage in the US, serving as an economic hub for the region, the state, and the nation.

The port consists of over 200 private and 8 public terminals. The infrastructure is able to support a wide range of maritime activities, facilitating efficient cargo handling & distribution.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
Data from Port Houston shows significant economic contributions, with the port generating over 1.54 million jobs across Texas and supporting an additional 3.37 million jobs nationwide. It generates $439 billion to the statewide economic value and $906 billion to the nation's economic value. Annually, the port contributes to around $10.6 billion in state and local tax revenue and $62.8 billion in national tax revenue. The annual growth rate is only down -4% in comparison to 2022.

Cargo Volume (2023)

  • Total Cargo Volume (TEUs): 3,824,600
  • Total Tonnage: 50,323,264 tons

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

For American ports like the Port of Houston, here's what you need to know as a freight forwarder:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:
Major trade routes include Asia, Northern Europe, the Americas, the Mediterranean, Africa, and the Middle East. Key trading partners are China, Vietnam, India, South Korea, Germany, Brazil, and Italy.

Most common type of cargo:
The port of Houston handles many types of cargo that include resins, plastics, chemicals, minerals, automotive products, apparel & accessories, and steel & metals.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
The Port of Houston has extensive infrastructure and is able to handle large volumes of containers with minimal congestion. In fact, between January and March of 2024, the Port of Houston has seen a 15% increase from the same period (2023) where they handled 1,069,917. They're the largest container port on the Gulf Coast.

Impact on global logistics:
The Port of Houston's connectivity to major trade routes facilitates the movement of goods on a global scale between continents.

The Port of Houston has security protocols and measures in place that are designed to protect against threats and ensure the integrity of shipments that pass through the port.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

What to Know as a Trucker

Here's some things to keep in mind as a trucker working the Port of Houston:

Terminal Maps:

Daily Empty Container and Chassis Acceptance:
Information on daily acceptance of empty containers and chassis helps truckers plan their pickups and deliveries effectively.

Safety Manuals & Videos:

Ports of Seattle & Tacoma

Founded in January 1885, the Port of Seattle and Tacoma are among the biggest ports in the US that drive the economy of the Pacific Northwest. They're known collectively as the Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA). The cargo ports are managed across King and Pierce counties, Washington, the Port of Seattle oversees both the seaport and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The Port of Tacoma is one of North America's largest deep water container ports.

Together, the Ports of Seattle & Tacoma operate 11 terminals, covering 1,311 acres, equipped with 57 cranes, which offer unique advantages, such as cold storage options, that are detailed by the Northwest Seaport Alliance.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
According to the Northwest Seaport Alliance, the ports support over 58,000 jobs and drive $12.4 billion in economic revenue for Washington state. The Alliances has 180 trading partners and handled over $70 billion in waterborne trade. The annual growth rate is only down 12.1% when compared to 2022.

Cargo Volume (2023):

  • Total Cargo Volume (TEUs): 2,974,416
  • Total Tonnage: 21,961,111 metric tons.

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

As American ports go, here are things to keep in mind when it comes to the Port of Seattle and Port of Tacoma:

Major trade routes and partners:
Major trade routes include connections to major ports throughout the Asia Pacific, Oceania, Latin America, the Mediterranean, Middle East, Europe, Alaska, and Hawaii. Key trading partners include China, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia, and India.

Most common type of cargo:
Common cargo types include bulk commodities, project/heavy-lift cargoes, automobiles, and liquid bulk.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
The ports' extensive infrastructure allows for efficient handling of large container volumes, supported by specialized facilities such as those for refrigerated exports. Right now, the Northwest Seaport Alliance can handle ships 12,000 TEUS and larger.

Impact on global logistics:
Their strategic location makes them key players for the movement of goods across continents.

There are measures in place to safeguard cargo and protect goods. More recently, the Northwest Seaport Alliance has introduced the world's first straddle carrier portals to enhance security and boost efficiency.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

What to Know as a Trucker

As a trucker working the Northwest Seaport Alliance, here's some things to take note of:

Port of Vancouver

As one of the busiest US ports, the Port of Vancouver was founded in 1912. It's the furthest-inland deepwater port along the Columbia River. It's located in Vancouver, Washington. It's known for its strategic location and plays a vital role in regional and national trade.

This port includes five terminals and 13 berths. The most notable features include advanced facilities that handle many types of cargo including bulk, breakbulk, and containerized goods. Additionally, it's equipped with two of the largest mobile harbor cranes in North America.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
The Port of Vancouver USA is associated with a total of 19,970 jobs that include direct, indirect, induced, and influenced, with a total of $2.9 billion benefiting the region economically each year. The annual growth rate of the Port of Vancouver is said to be +2% to +3%.

Cargo Volume (2023):

  • Total Cargo Volume (TEUs): Approximately 500,000 TEUs.
  • Total Tonnage: more than 6,130,000 metric tons.

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

When you're a freight forwarder dealing with the largest ports in the US like the Port of Vancouver, here's what you need to know:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:
Major trade routes are across the Asia-Pacific, South America, and Europe. Key trading partners include China, Japan, South Korea, the UK, Germany, and India.

Most common type of cargo:
There's a variety of cargo types here that include lumber, logs, wood pulp, bulk cargo (wheat especially), minerals, breakbulk, automobiles, and liquid bulk.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
The Port of Vancouver, USA ensures large container volumes and acts as a vital hub within the global supply chain. It's considered a "global hub of opportunity".

Impact on global logistics:
The Port of Vancouver, USA also allows for a smooth flow of goods across continents, with steady cargo volumes as of 2022. As of 2023, the Port of Vancouver handled over 454,000 vehicles, which was a record cargo volume.

The port has many security protocols and measures in place including access control, screening, surveillance, patrolling, and other measures such as the Port Pass Program.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

What to Know as a Trucker

Here's some resources for truckers operating in the Port of Vancouver:

  • Wait Times: Wait times at the port can vary from 30 minutes to 2 hours, with longer times during peak seasons. Truckers are advised to contact port services for the most accurate wait time estimations.
  • Terminal Guide & Driving Directions: Detailed terminal guides and driving directions can be found at the link above.
  • Safety Guidelines: The port provides comprehensive safety guidelines to ensure safe operations for truckers and terminal personnel.
  • Intermodal Connection: Information on intermodal connections is available here, helping truckers integrate their operations with the port's logistics network.

Port of Oakland

Up next on our list of the busiest US ports, we've got the Port of Oakland. It was established in 1927 and is a major international and transportation hub that's located on the east shore of San Francisco Bay in Oakland, California. Spanning over 165 years, this port operates as a public agency with main business lines that include maritime, aviation, and commercial real estate.

At 1,300 acres, the Port of Oakland has robust infrastructure. The port features 20 berths, 25 ship-to-shore cranes, and four container terminals, and is equipped to handle various types of cargo.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
The Port of Oakland supports the local economy with over 98,000 jobs in the region and generates $174 billion in yearly economic activity. Although the annual growth rate was -11.6%, in comparison to 2022, they ended the year strong at Oakland seaport.

Cargo Volume (2023):

  • Total Cargo Volume (TEUs): 2,065,709
  • Total Tonnage: 50.32 million tons

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

Freight forwarders are constantly dealing with the largest ports in the US. Here's what you need to keep in mind about the Oakland seaport:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:
Major trade routes include connections with Europe, Asia, and the Pacific islands. Key trading partners are Asia, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, other Pacific islands, and 1% with other foreign nations.

Most common type of cargo:

  • Imports: Electronics, machinery, apparel, automobile parts, and consumer goods.
  • Exports: Scrap metal, chemicals, wastepaper, and agricultural products.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
The Port of Oakland is designed to handle significant container volumes. In fact, the port set a record in 2018 by handling 2.55 million containers, and in 2023 it was the 9th busiest container port that handled more than 99% of goods that moved through Northern California. This ensures efficient cargo movement and reduces bottlenecks.

Impact on global logistics:
The port is located strategically and connects to major international trade routes, thus, it plays a vital role in facilitating cargo transit across continents.

The Oakland seaport has measures in place to protect cargo for safety and security, such as port security.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

What to Know as a Trucker

When dealing with the largest US ports like the Port of Oakland, here's what you need to know as a trucker:

Wait Times:
Wait times at the port can vary. Truckers are advised to check with terminal operators directly for the most accurate wait time estimates.


Port of Charleston

As one of the largest ports in the US, the Port of Charleston was established in 1942. It's located in South Carolina and happens to be one of the busiest seaports in the Southeastern US.

The port's facilities span across three municipalities. They include Charleston, North Charleston, and Mount Pleasant. The port includes six public terminals that are owned and operated by the South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA). They also handle a wide variety of cargo efficiently with 9 maritime and inland cargo terminals, along with modern facilities that support containerized cargo, breakbulk, and project cargo.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
The Port of Charleston supports 260,020 jobs that generate $17.6 billion in labor income. This income is 23% higher than the average for South Carolina. The overall economic impact on South Carolina thanks to the port is $87 billion as of 2023. Despite the -9.5% in comparison to 2022, the port is making quite the impact.

Cargo Volume (2023):

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

When you're working with the Port of Charleston, here's what you need to know:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:
Major trade routes include activities involving Asia, Europe, and South America. Key trading partners are China, Germany, the UK, and Brazil.

Most common type of cargo:

  • Imports: Apparel, furniture, machinery, and electronics.
  • Exports: Automobiles, agricultural products, and chemicals.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
In 2022, the port handled 2.8 million container units, a 1.5% increase from 2021. This means the Port of Charleston is able to support large volumes of containers and supports high throughput and quick turnaround times.

Impact on global logistics:
Again, we have a port that's strategically located and connected to facilitate reliable cargo movement across international markets.

At the Port of Charleston, they implement rigorous security protocols and have Port Security. Port security staff  are C-TPAT certified and follow international security standards.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

What to Know as a Trucker

When you're working with major US ports, here's some resources that can help you at the Port of Charleston:

Port of Virginia

The Port of Virginia is one of the busiest US ports. It was founded in 1952 and is the fifth largest port in the US and third largest on the East Coast. It's built around the world's largest natural deep-water harbor and is a vital link in supply chains for businesses across Virginia.

The Port of Virginia features deep-water marine terminals, including six terminals operated by the Virginia Port Authority, an upriver terminal, and an inland intermodal terminal. There are over 55 public and private marine terminals that are equipped to handle many cargo types.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
The Port of Virginia has made a significant impact on the economy with over 565,000 jobs (a 29% increase from 2021), $124.1 billion in sales, and $41.4 billion in labor (a 53% jump from 2021). In spite of these numbers, the annual growth rate is -11% in comparison to 2022.

Cargo Volume (2023):

  • Total Cargo Volume (TEUs): 3,287,546
  • Total Tonnage: n/a

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

Dealing with American ports like the Port of Virginia means freight forwarders should keep these things in mind:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:
Major trade routes include North America, Europe, and Asia through the Suez Canal. Key trading partners include Germany, the UK, France, China, Japan, and South Korea.

Most common type of cargo:

  • Imports: Consumer goods, electronics, machinery, apparel, and automobiles.
  • Exports: Agricultural products, chemicals, and raw materials.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
The Port of Virginia is well-equipped and moves cargo efficiently with quick turnaround times. It's currently on track to become the widest and deepest port on the East Coast by 2025.

Impact on global logistics:
This port enhances global logistics networks while facilitating seamless international trade that boosts economic activity.

The Port of Virginia has security measures in place such as Port Security and Pro-PASS. They remain compliant with international security standards and offer advanced security systems.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

What to Know as a Trucker

When you're working the Port of Virginia, here's some resources that'll help you as a trucker:

Port of Jacksonville

The Port of Jacksonville is among the biggest ports in the US. It was founded in 1963, as a deep-water seaport that's located on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida. This port is the largest port in Florida by volume and ranks 14th on the list of largest container ports in the US. Commonly referred to as JAXPORT, it serves as a global gateway to Florida with access to rail and highway networks.

JAXPORT connects to 140 ports in over 70 countries. This port is a full-service, 1,500 acre operation where JAXPORT maintains 3 cargo terminals, 2 intermodal rail terminals and one passenger cruise terminal. The terminal area for cargo consists of Blount Island, Dames Point, and Talleyrand with facilities and general berths.

Recent Evidence on the Port's Economic Impacts:
The annual growth rate for JAXPORT is +1% when compared to 2022. The economic value has increased by 6% with a total of $33 billion in yearly economic output for the region and state, and generates 205,9327 jobs in Florida.

Cargo Volume (2023):

  • Total Cargo Volume (TEUs): 1,313,487
  • 2023 Total Tonnage: 10,470,025

What to Know as a Freight Forwarder

When you're working with American ports like JAXPORT, here's what you need to know:

Major Trade Routes and Partners:
Major trade routes include Jacksonville, FL and San Juan, Puerto Rico. JAXPORT happens to be #1 for trade with Puerto Rico. Trade routes also include Europe, South America, the Caribbean, and Asia. Key trading partners are Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Asia.

Most common type of cargo:
Containerized freight, reefers, and even military cargo are among JAXPORT'S cargo.

  • Imports: Food products, automobiles, machinery, consumer goods, and electronics.
  • Exports: Raw materials, agricultural products, and chemicals.

Ability to handle large volumes of containers:
In 2023 alone, JAXPORT moved over 1.3 million containers; this shows that they're capable of handling large volumes of containers.

Impact on global logistics:
JAXPORT plays a key role in the reliability of global supply chains.

JAXPORT employs stringent security measures to protect cargo and ensure safe operations, such as Port Security and Port Access credentials mandated by TWIC.

Port Operation, Tariff Information, Permits & Forms:

What to Know as a Trucker

Here's what you need to keep in mind as a trucker working in JAXPORT:

Turn Times:
Turn times at JAXPORT can vary; truckers are advised to contact terminal operators directly for specific details.


Trends and Future Developments in US Ports

American ports are placing their focus on enhancing capacity, operational efficiency, and sustainability in order to meet the growing demands of global trade and consolidated freight. Here's some key trends and future developments to keep an eye on:


  • Adoption of Technology: Ports are integrating tech like IoT, AI, and blockchain. For instance, the Port of Los Angeles has implemented a "Control Tower." It provides real-time data on truck turn times and cargo flows.
  • Smart Ports: These ports are revolutionizing maritime trade. They also utilize tech such as AI, IoT, Digital Twin, blockchain, and 5G. They're being adopted to improve water quality and boost the effectiveness of the supply chain, while better managing port activities. The Port of Los Angeles and IBM have teamed up to establish a cyber resilience center.


  • Reducing Carbon Emissions: Ports are also transitioning cargo handling equipment to zero emissions and incentivizing programs like the Clean Truck Program. For instance, the Port of Oakland calls for zero emissions.
  • Infrastructure Improvements: Investments are vital for increasing intermodal connectivity. POLB is preparing for 2024 with a $1.57 billion on-dock rail facility project. This is necessary, especially for rail and road networks.

In the News:

  • Growth and Resilience: Georgia Ports are continuing to expand with notable projects that include the renovation of Ocean Terminal in Savannah, a new $29 million exit ramp for truckers, and the elevation of the Talmadge River bridge to accommodate larger ships.
  • Economic Impact: Governor Brian Kemp projects Georgia Ports to become the most called-upon port globally.

Your Takeaway

As we look to the 11 largest ports in the US, we understand that they handle a vast amount of cargo while playing a vital role in both the local and national economy. As we continue to look towards the future of LTL freight shipping and FTL, it's essential to recognize the latest trends and future developments at these ports, especially if we wish to stay competitive in logistics and freight forwarding.

At Cota Systems, we understand that modern times require support every mile of the way. That's why Cota is here to help with resources along the way like our supply chain management guide. By staying up-to-date on these advancements, businesses can better navigate the waters and ports of global trade.

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